zinovia’s ePortfolio

zinovia’s ePortfolio
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Dental Hygiene
Portfolio Description

Hello! My name is Zinovia Ioannou, future R.D.H. (Wow it feels great to say that). I was born and raised in New York, and cannot wait to be a part of the Dentistry field. This has been quite a journey for me, not an easy one, but definitely needed. At the end of this road, I find that I am stronger, more ambitious and unbelievably proud of my competences. This program has shown me that “i can’t” is a poor excuse and to “do” will leave you with limitless opportunities. This journey has ended, but I know, this is only the Beginning. A wise man once said “Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond” I can’t wait to devote my work into proving this quote right.

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This ePortfolio was created by: zinoviai