Yongping’s Research Project

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  • Post#2: Issues/problems that related to my topic
  • #32063


    Cross training can help a business to save workers because workers can work in different positions such as a housekeeping can work as a front desk agent. It means the business can save money for hiring more employees to do the job. This is an advantage for a business. Moreover, cross training can make employees feel important to the company because if the company does not care about employees, they cannot get the training program to enhance their work abilities. Also, not every employee can get the change to join in the cross training. It is a motivation for employees to do their best, and make employer satisfying their job performance.

    When employee is trained in a foreign country, cross training will be a disadvantage point because of culture and language. In a foreign country, language is a big problem for training people because they are not native speaker. They will misunderstand and may cause a communication problem.

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