Xochitl Arenas-Ponce’s ePortfolio

Xochitl Arenas-Ponce’s ePortfolio
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Dental Hygiene
Portfolio Description

Hi, my name is Xochitl and my journey through the NYCCT dental hygiene program has been demanding, intense, rigorous, and all consuming; nevertheless, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. This program has equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to make an impact at any dental office. The program was not all hard work. I created bonds with many of my classmates that will last years after the program ends. I have met many professors whose passion for the program has inspired me to follow in their footsteps. I had the opportunity to participate in many wonderful events outside of the program such as teaching younger generations the importance of oral hygiene.

Member Profile


This ePortfolio was created by: Xochitl Arenas-Ponce