Women in STEM

active 5 months ago
Women in STEM
This Club is OPEN.
School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Technology & Design
Academic, College, Community, Social, Student
Club Description

A welcoming place for women majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to come together, discuss interests and socialize together about their education journey. Once enough participants have joined we may become an official club with official meeting hours.
Thank you

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This club was created by: Merdina

Recent Announcements

Profile picture of Merdina

Facts about women in STEM

Posted by: Merdina
Posted on: September 19, 2023 at 3:11 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through these announcements. I wanted to share some fascinating facts with you about women who choose to major in STEM subjects. I hope you find them interesting and informative!

74% of girls are interested in a STEM profession

24% of STEM students are women

 Only 1 in 10 US engineers are Latina, Black, or another minority

Women in software… See More

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