Wilson’s ePortfolio

Wilson's ePortfolio
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Communication Design
Portfolio Description


My name is Wilson Guaman. After Graduating from High School I had many colleges to choose from, I picked City Tech as my primary option. My first two years of college I was going for a different Major, but soon I realized that I really wanted to do. Currently I am getting my degree in Graphics and Web Design. I am a full time student, and I also have a part time job working as a Barback in a Club. In my free time don’t watch TV, instead I like reading articles from the internet reading graphic design magazines for inspiration, such as Digital Arts, Computer Arts. I also like to do t-shirts design; I am currently learning the art of screen printing. My objective at the moment is to create a t-shirt brand and produce wearable art so people could buy them online. Whenever there is an opportunity, I like to travel; last summer I went to South America in the search for a textile company that could help me reach my goal. I was able to find one now is up to me accomplish some other goals before anything. I strongly believe that this course will help me improve my writing and be capable to convey to passion for art to people.

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