Wesley De Jesusā€™s ePortfolio

Wesley De Jesusā€™s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Hi, my name is Wesley De Jesus. My major is Communication Design. I choose this major because I want to go into game design. What inspired me to pursue this career choice is while I was growing up I played a lot of Video games and I was also really invested in the way characters were designed, how whole backgrounds were made, the animations for their move set. Now as an adult if I ever have extra money to buy the collectors edition of games which usually contain art books or the separate art books themselves I would get them. I love looking at the concept art for them and I’ve always wanted to create games.
I’m taking thisĀ COMD 1100Ā because it is required and I want to get as much out of class as I can. My design process is spontaneous I can never really come up with things on the spot but they usually do come to me. I would be interested in collaborating in the future with big gaming companies like Sony or Square Enix or even smaller companies.

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