Victoria Liao’s ePortfolio

Victoria Liao’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

My name is Victoria Liao and I am a high school graduate. I am a freshman at New York City College of Technology. Some of my academic goals is to get an associate’s degree in hospitality management. I chose this major because I love interacting with people. After many changes in what I want to major in, I decided that I love interacting with customers and other people that are in the same field that I plan to study. My career experiences include I was an intern at Calvin Klein in Deer Park. After I graduate from City Tech in two years, I plan to work front of the house in hotels or restaurant and plan to get my bachelor’s degree. After the two years at City Tech, I plan to enroll in Pace University and hope to continue studying hospitality management or communication. In the future, I plan to be a receptionist at a hotel. Some of the personal strengths that I have are communication skills and organizational skills. If you see me around campus, don’t be afraid to approach me because I am willing to make new friends. Some of the personal interests that would help me succeed in my future job is that I am a friendly and caring person. Some facts that you might not know is that I am a former Girl Scouts. I joined Girl Scouts when I was in sixth grade in middle school and since then I continue to join them.

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