vianet abreu’s ePortfolio

vianet abreu’s ePortfolio
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Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

My name is Vianet , and I am a freshman in City Tech intending to expand my knowledge in hospitality management. I one day want to become a professional event planner and hopefully be my own boss. I went to a high school focused on business and had the opportunity to take two classes in hospitality and tourism , I then learned what I wanted to be. I go to many events but for the first time during my senior year of high school my cousin got married where I grew up in the Caribbean, I’ve helped organize different events in school for my art class but that wedding inspired me. Aside from event planning I am also interested in hotel management due to the many lessons my teacher in my first hospitality class taught me , she also taught me a lot about restaurant management but I enjoyed learning more about hotels. My teacher for my second semester in hospitality class was the one to introduce me to event planning. I now work in a retail store and the job is mostly customer service, communicating with others, and organization.
I wish to be successful while doing something that I enjoy.

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