Valentina Potylitsyna’s ePortfolio

Valentina Potylitsyna’s ePortfolio
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Portfolio Description

I look forward to becoming a better nurse to my future patients, and being able to contribute with my knowledge and experience as a member of a healthcare team. I believe there is always room for improvement, getting better at what’s learned, discovering new ways of delivering high-quality care. You should never be afraid to strive to be the best. Therefore, i believe that this physical assessment course will only add on to my experience, bring positive influence to my nursing career, and help me grow.
I had an experience with a strictly online course before, and discovered that there was always miscommunication between students and the professor, and the lack of office hours doubled up frustrations and anxiety. However, i did have more time on hands to complete assignments whenever it was convenient for me, and i did not have to travel to school at all. I think a hybrid course is a better idea, because you get to meet your professor face to face, ask about your progress in a course, and get help with course work if needed. Also, you get to meet new people and make new friends!

Member Profile


This ePortfolio was created by: Tina