Suray Penayeva-Akcan’s ePortfolio

Suray Penayeva-Akcan's ePortfolio
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Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

First I want to talk about my background, because it is reason why i chose to study Hospitality. Im from small country named Turkmenistan , capital is Ashgabat. According to geographic location our country is rich with gas and oil. Despite of the wealth, this country is way behind in terms of social development. For example, Turkmenistan doesn’t have any fast food restaurant at all. Probably, majority of you will argue me by saying , “Fast food is not something to be proud of!”  Don’t take me wrong, this is only simplest example of  things , that this rich country doesn’t have.

Now im 23 years old, and I have a goal in my life, to make some changes back home . Im planning on opening a restaurant over there. It doesn’t have to be five star , fancy place; on the other hand i want it to be very “classy” and “quality” place to eat and relax. 
 In order to have successful business, you have to know everything from “A toZ”, my mom’s favorite saying by the way. What i mean is ,owner must know back and front of the house.Lets say, I’ll be seating customers, pouring drinks, running food, busing tables, washing dishes, etc. It will make a difference to my staff and customers that I’ll be able and willing to jump in and help do any job.
Im aware that, a lot of restaurants owners go out of their business either they don’t have a ”real” owner / manager, or they aren’t familiar with the business, but they think it would be “cool” to be a restaurant owner. I clearly understand ,that it is not cool at all. Its long hours, tons of stress and not nearly the money that most people think it is. Being on your feet all day can be rough on your body too. After being in Hospitality for a while , i started realize, that the actual profit from restaurant is not going to be high. Because overhead is enormous from payroll to utilities ,repair and maintenance. But Im really passionate about it. To own a restaurant, i believe you have to like food and love interacting with all types of people.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Surayka

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