Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

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  • Your Bio Statement
  • #32887

    City Tech BRIDGES

    Hello Scholars,

    I would like all of you to submit your responses to Prof. Tsenova’s request and complete your biographical statement. Due no later that October 16, 2015.

    Please include:

    Name: Michael Williams

    I am a: Sophomore attending City Tech

    I am taking classes preparing to transfer to: Brooklyn College, majoring in Human Biology

    One of the reasons this area is of interest to me is because: The ability to study life and how it works is truly a fascinating subject. Is there really any more that needs to be said?!!!

    Research Interest and Experience: (describe your experience working in a lab and/or your interest in Research) I am (will be) working in Dr. De Maio’s immunology laboratory in which I have been granted the opportunity to study cytokines of the immune system and how they function during the onset of Sepsis in mouse models. Other research interest besides immunology include virology and molecular biology.

    Being involved in the Bridges Program at City Tech has been helpful to me in the following way(s): This program was very influential in my decision to pursue an MD/Ph.D. program and basically “got my foot in the door” to not only research, but also to meeting many amazing mentors in the field itself including graduate students, post-docs, and P.I.’s. This was truly a career changing experience for me that I am grateful to have had an opportunity to experience.

    Profile Brainstorms:
    Describe activities you are involved in that relate to your educational plan or your future career.
    Describe a scholastic achievement you have made, and why it is important to you.
    Pick an experience from your own life and explain how it has influenced your development.
    Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?


    Ling Yang


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Ling Yang.
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