story board 3523

Jean Arias added the file: comercial 1st page.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 9:03 pm

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Jean Arias deleted the file: 6 – 6 – 6.pdf from story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:18 pm

Jean Arias added the file: story board 4.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:17 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: story board3.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:17 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: story board2.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:16 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: story board.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:14 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: 4.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:13 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: J.pdf to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:13 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: 3.jpg to story board 3523 on December 20, 2016 at 4:13 pm

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Jean Arias added the file: Jean Arias. story board story.pdf to story board 3523 on October 17, 2016 at 1:01 am

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Jean Arias added the file: shot list part 2.pdf to story board 3523 on October 17, 2016 at 1:01 am

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Jean Arias added the file: shot list part 1.pdf to story board 3523 on October 17, 2016 at 1:01 am

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Jean Arias added the file: jean arias storyboard page 2 .jpg to story board 3523 on October 17, 2016 at 1:00 am

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Jean Arias added the file: Jean Arias story board pagez 1.jpg to story board 3523 on October 17, 2016 at 1:00 am

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Jean Arias created the group story board 3523 on October 14, 2016 at 4:42 pm

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