Statistics with Probability

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  • E2P2
  • #13263

    Ezra Halleck

    If bent coin with .3 probability of head is tossed 5 times, find the probability of getting
    a) exactly 0 heads b) exactly 1 head c) at least 2 heads [use results from parts a) and b)]
    d) write down Excel command that you could use to answer c) without using answers from a and b


    See atached file for answer



    Professor, if you subtracted n-i for b being 5-1 then it should be 3/2 * (7/10)^4, not (3/2) * (7/10)^5 as it is shown on the image.



    for part d, i think it should be “1- binomidist(1,5,0.3,true)”, not the one shown on the image?


    This is correct:



    yeah, This_is_Anarchy’s answer is correct

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