Shavon Clenkian’s ePortfolio

Shavon Clenkian's ePortfolio
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Portfolio Description


My name is Shavon Clenkian and I am currently in my last semester as an undergrad at New York City College of Technology. I am a registered nurse currently working within the field of gastroenterology. I am also an active volunteer with the Red Cross while working within the community to service, educate, and provide humanitarian work to those in need. I also serve as a coach and work in collaboration with the Board of Education, National Academy Foundation, and Toastmasters International to service the youth in an enrichment program where students are taught the art of public speaking. My passion lies within the realms of learning, teaching, and inspiring! Lets inspire each other! I welcome you.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Shavon Clenkian

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