Saarrah Rahim’s ePortfolio

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Hi there, this is my second year at City Tech. Last semester I decided that I wanted to major in Hospitality & Management. This was not an easy decision, as we know how hard it can be to choose a major fresh out of High school. After accessing my strengths and abilities, I felt this was the field for me. From the start I was taking courses, which fit right into this major and I had no idea. It was if it was meant to be. I knew my eye for detail and love for designing would fit right into this major. In the near future I hope to attain my Bachelorette degree in this program. I would like to focus on baking as it runs in my blood. My family has always been big on baking, especially back home where we ran a bakery. Previously I have worked as a hostess at a chain restaurant where I got a taste of the Hospitality & Management world. I enjoyed my work as a hostess, but I was able to determine that my passion is to create. Being a hostess however did teach me many responsibilities. From this position I learned how to interact with guests, and accommodate their needs. I helped escort guests to their seats, presented their menus, and assisted them in any way possible. I also worked as a To-GO cashier where I gained some amateur knowledge of the kitchen. From being in the kitchen preparing the orders to present to the customers, I learned how to interact as a team with other workers. I really do look forward to learning the ins and outs of this field! Unrelated to hospitality & management, I also enjoy designing as I have mentioned. Personally, I feel I am best cut out for this major, as I enjoy interacting with others, have strong communication skills, and a strong attention to detail.
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Hi there, this is my second year at City Tech. Last semester I decided that I wanted to major in […] See MoreWelcome!
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