C.R.A.A.P 1.0

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  • dhmo.org as an example of Bad sources
  • #30602


    In context of looking for Good and Bad research sources, I went to google browser and type the phrase “good and bad sources”; instantly, many websites in regard to the phrase pop up; I went through the first page of the browser checking roughly- the contents of each website, and finally ended up with the first website in the first page of the browser:
    Obviously, it was a link which lead to the famous known website, prezi.com.
    I clicked on the aforementioned link and moment later I was in front of a window been designed in a simple practical way to present the whole story under a title: Sources: The Good, the Bad, the Eh…
    A presentation to assist students in finding credible sources for research.
    By clicking on the bottom bar of the screen , one could mange sliding the cursor to the right or to the left.
    By moving the cursor to the right a while after midway I ended up to the portion of the presentation that talked about bad resources with examples, one of bad resourse mentioned was dhmo, under website, http://www.dhmo.org

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