Reading Effectively Across The Disciplines – Biology

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  • New Biology 1101 Syllabus – READ Initiative
  • #13410

    Davida Smyth

    This is a redesigned syllabus to account for sections involved in the READ initiative and I will be using it for mine. Please feel free to modify it to suit your section and remove PLTL if you are not doing this.

    I made slight changes to the font and style as well as indicating grading of assignments and I’ve included when the lab exams will fall.

    This syllabus can be used as their first reading assignment and I have designed a snakes and ladders game that they can do (time permitting) on the syllabus to assess if they read it.


    Shek G. Sesay

    Professor Sesay this end. Hope everything is okay your end. I browsed through your suggestions on the dates for the Lab quizzes. They are okay, but I usually have Labs 12 and 13, Principles of Electrophoresis and DNA Fingerprinting respectively, forming the basis for quiz #6. In attachment is a review I usually post on Black Board before the said quiz #6


    Davida Smyth

    Shek, you can do whatever you want. You just have to put it on your version of the syllabus when your quizzes are going to be. Let the students know.

    It’s up to you!


    Shek G. Sesay

    Okay Just wanted us to be “On the same page”, in so far as the dates are concerned.

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