Rami Lavy’s ePortfolio

Rami Lavy’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

When I first became interested in the alcohol world I was only 15. Being the geek that I am, I started reading a lot about it, I wanted to know everything.

I particularly found interest in the cocktail world. Being a bartender wasn’t just something I wanted to do, it was a calling. As soon as I could, I took a bartender’s course and started working in the hospitality industry.

There, I learned that being a bartender and a host goes hand in hand, and I started developing that skill, as well. Being a good host requires an impressive set of skills and you can never stop learning. Throughout the years, I developed myself professionally and became a bar manager and a shift manager. Now, I’m here to take it to the next level through education.

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