Ramelvis De La Cruz’s ePortfolio

Ramelvis De La Cruz’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

I am a young upcoming artist with experience in graphic design, photography, and illustrations. I considered myself a renaissance man, always seeking a new creative outlet to fill my insatiable hunger. I made it my mission to be surrounded by people who share the same passion for expressing the ideas of those who can’t do it themselves.

Recent Posts

Mentorship, #10

Since I have started working at the marketplace tech company, I've completed approximately […] See MoreMentorship, #10

Self-Evaluation, #9

The first day I worked at the marketplace tech company, It felt as if I adapted to most tasks […] See MoreSelf-Evaluation, #9

Team Collaboration, #8

Most of the projects I have completed so far with the company involve some form of teamwork. It […] See MoreTeam Collaboration, #8

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