PBS Frontline: Clarence Horatious Pickett Un (re)Solved POD/CAST included Prof. Avis J. Smith’s comm

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Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act review of more than 150 cases of murders. The Tribeca Film Festival included an installation of the cases. You can view this on: The Un(re)solved podcast is part of the broader Un(re)solved initiative, which includes a web interactive. This is a project of PBS FRONTLINE, Prof. Smith was interviewed three times, and spoke at the Tribeca reception. I am not the creator of this.
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Create New Topic in PBS Frontline Un (re)Solved POD/CAST included Prof. Avis J. Smith’s comments on Clarence H. Pickett Cold Case. Clarence H. Pickett was the Great Uncle of Prof. Smith who was killed by a policeman in Columbus, Georgia i […] See MorePBS FRONTLINE Un (re)Solved
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