Patrick Gonzalez’s ePortfolio

Patrick Gonzalez's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN.
Computer Engineering Technology
Portfolio Description

Welcome everyone,

Current student a part of the Computer Engineering Technology program, finishing off my B.S. degree at the end of 2017.
Although my studies are in technology, most of my career experience has been in the realm of human resources and communicating closely with others.
I aim my best to be well-rounded and skilled in as many areas as possible, and always keep an open objective mind to new concepts/ideas.
I tend to lockdown on classes during the semester, but enjoy dividing my time between sports/weightlifting and just going through good experiences with people. I think most of us have forgotten to appreciate being personal with one another during this rise of technology and social media, so years ago I suspended all online accounts to simply force myself to just speak with people more, and it’s been a beneficial experience. This being my first profile since then, I’m looking forward to another platform to continue connecting with others.
The obligations of work and education are a given, so I’m always interested in the outlets we choose to alleviate that pressure and feel at peace.

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This ePortfolio was created by: PatrickG

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