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  • Flushing Community Survey
  • #12414


    My neighborhood is a very prosperous area on the northern central part of Queens, which is Flushing also known as ā€œChinatown IIā€. Though it was known to be another popular asian town throughout New York City, Flushing is by far way wealthier than Chinatown in Manhattan, demographically and business-wise. The area which I live in at Flushing is a residential district which has a lot of large residential homes. This community is also dominated by Asians, Chinese and Koreans in particular, Caucasians, and some Middle Easterns and Latinos, though there are very few African-Americans living in this area.

    Flushing have a rich colonial history for this community was one of the first communities settled in Long Island and was founded by the Dutch and English Colonies during the late 1600ā€™s, thus Flushing was mostly monopolized by the Dutch and English. During the late 1960ā€™s, the economy became horrendous in New York City that the Caucasians left their homes and the Chinese took over.

    One of the major issues in my neighborhood is burglary. Flushing is such a peaceful neighborhood thatā€™s why residents like us donā€™t even bother getting those home security alarms because we trust our neighbors to watch us as we do the same. Five months ago, a burglar attempted to rob my neighbor but my neighbors were awaked and they called the police, unfortunately, the burglar ran and got away. Even though cops are always found doing rounds at my area. According to the 109th precinct, burglary and robbery were the most notorious crimes thatā€™s been ambushing my area. One of the problems in this community is the teenage pregnancies, it wasnā€™t that serious like an airborne disease but itā€™s still a concern even though itā€™s mostly teenage latinas who are giving birth to our local hospital.

    The community nurse can help with the issues by spreading awareness and knowledge about safe sex since those are the one that can be prevented, because how can you really stop burglary as a nurse? An adequate sex education can not just only help to prevent pregnancies but it will also help them to prevent transmission of STDā€™s. The nurse can get help and team up with the local hospital or clinics around the neighborhood and together they can provide helpful programs about good health and safe sex. I believe that people alone should be responsible enough to take care of themselves and that it’s up to them to find out the free programs or services that the hospitals or locales are already offering.

    Every neighborhood will always have their imperfections, but my community is still a very safe place to live in with my family. Flushing is a very wealthy community that has itā€™s own hospitals, schools, colleges, libraries, all in a 2.5 square mile area and is far from the highway, industrial areas like factories and has small amount of crime rates. Truth be told, I have always been observant and nothing changed before and after this survey pretty much. Except that after reading other people’s surveys as well, I feel very lucky to be blessed with such a beautiful house and safe place to live in with my family because I know some people aren’t as privileged as I am. Also, I plan to live here with my family in the future as well.

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