Nour Mohsen’s ePortfolio

Nour Mohsen's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Hello! I’m Nour Mohsen, a dedicated communication designer weaving narratives through visuals. With a passion for transforming ideas into impactful designs, I specialize in creating compelling visual experiences. Dive into my portfolio to discover a diverse range of projects showcasing my commitment to excellence, collaboration, and innovative storytelling. Let’s connect and explore how we can bring your ideas to life through the art of communication design.

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Recent Posts

Self-Assessment: Internship at Brooklyn College

Throughout my internship at Brooklyn College, I have received consistent and positive […] See MoreSelf-Assessment: Internship at Brooklyn College

Final Week: Wrapping Up and New Challenges

In my last week as an intern at Brooklyn College, we had our final Zoom meeting to showcase […] See MoreFinal Week: Wrapping Up and New Challenges

New Task Designing For a Cover Report

This week, I focused on finalizing the logo that the client selected, creating versions […] See MoreNew Task Designing For a Cover Report

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