MTEC3230 – Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds

- OpenOpen
This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across various professional uses and tools. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive projects employing the latest AR, VR, and other reality capture-oriented devices. Students will learn the fundamentals of experiential design, Unity 3D development, VR art creation, and critical thinking in the context of storytelling and content creation specific to these emerging forms. Students will work in small teams on collaborative projects with the latest head-mounted and sensor technology.
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Syllabus MTEC 3230, D296 – Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds Thursdays, 2:15-5:35 pm, V103A & V314 Professor: Alexandre Girardeau Email: Office Hours: Thursdays, 1:30-2:00 pm Office Location: V314 Office Phone ( See MoreSyllabus MTEC3230 D296 Spring