MTEC 3140 Topics and Perspectives in EmergingTechnology SP24

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An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives on how they would best be developed in the future. Core themes include: the history of information, human-technology interaction, digital technology and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies as the world faces unprecedented precarity.
Conceptual frameworks in the field of New Media and Studies of Emerging Technology will be explored through a series of readings, and screenings as we consider technology’s broader implications on society, ethics, and cultural production. Through the application of close reads, critical analysis and discussion; students will write and create multi module projects that investigate key concerns surrounding emerging technology and how these concerns apply to their own media practices. This class will function as an incubator, which nurtures discussion, multiple forms of writing and the sharing of ideas.
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