Mikal’s ePortfolio

Mikal's ePortfolio
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Portfolio Description

My name is Mikal. I am a registered nurse advancing my education to soon receive a bachelor’s degree in nursing science at New York City College of Technology. I’ve been working with an agency affiliated with the NYC department of education, enjoying my role as a registered nurse working with children and their families who need help to go to school and receive education safely. Practicing with children and their families gave me a new perspective of nursing that involves holistic care, family teachings, and trust; this has given me more pleasure with continuing in the career as a nurse that handles the care of patient’s at all levels but before that, I also want to experience what critical care nursing is like so that I can learn what it is like to nurse a person back to health. I am hoping to continue my path in nursing with new lessons every day.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Mikal.DAnd