Michelle Cantos’s ePortfolio

Michelle Cantos's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

My name is Michelle Cantos. I graduated from Long Island City High School in June of 2014. In high school, I was part of the culinary arts program for four years and was given the opportunity to part-take in the Careers through the Culinary Arts Program, C-CAP. Throughout, my last two years of high school I became involved in various programs that C-CAP offers such as the winter chef’s and the opportunity to intern at Thistle Hill Tavern. My internship taught me essential skills such as time management and working faster. It also taught me that I had a passion of culinary arts but not necessarily in the kitchen. Through my years at New York City College of Technology I hope to acquire the skills need to mange a restaurant or hotel and learn more about baking & pastry. Some personal skills I have are the willingness to learn, the ability to help others, completing work and managing my time effective. I have a great passion for this industry and hope to achieve my dreams with hard-work.

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