Matt Gaffney’s ePortfolio

Matt Gaffney’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Career and Technology Teacher Education
Portfolio Description

I Graduated from the University at Albany with a degree in art and Psychology in 1997. I then moved to NYC and worked in the photo industry as a photographer and producer. After several years I transitioned to working as a carpenter and cabinet maker. From there I enrolled at City Tech and after a few years I earned my teaching license for CTE Carpentry and I now work as a carpentry teacher at The School for Cooperative Technical Education. Currently I am continuing with my education at City Tech so that I can also earn my teaching license in Technology Education so that I can diversify my resume.

Recent Posts

Test Post for Feedly

Hello internet try to catch me as I pass by. See MoreTest Post for Feedly


This is my first post on my learning Blog.  Within these pages I plan on bringing you into the […] See MoreWelcome!

Recent Comments

Comment on "Graphics"

Hi Matt, These are all great images. I just need you to let me know which are for which date so […] See MoreComment on "Graphics"

Comment on "Table of Contents"

This looks excellent! Be careful for typos/spelling errors. See MoreComment on "Table of Contents"

Comment on "Chapter Headings"

I can see the purpose of each chapter and this is a great way to organize the book. See MoreComment on "Chapter Headings"