MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2013

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  • RLC Circuits Project
  • #13604


    This is the current presentation/research on RLC circuits.

    It currently covers derivation of series and parallel, first-order mesh, and (basic) second-order nodal analysis.

    Subject to have more stuff added in before the final.

    Thanks for viewing!


    Ezra Halleck

    Hi Eric,

    Your presentation is very impressive. As you state on one of the slides, some of the ideas require another semester of material to develop. However, I was hoping for something a bit more elementary. I liked the reworking of the RLC circuit as I did not do it justice at all in class as well as the basic concepts from electronics. However, when going to a parallel circuit or more complicated circuits, we would just like a taste with a very easy example or 2 rather than the general theory. Please assume a general technical audience rather someone from your major.



    Thanks, we (me and Afzal) are hoping to add in some simple numeric examples and graphs, but we’ll have to see if we have enough time to polish it up, in regards to studying for the final.

    Make no mistake however, I do want to expand on what’s covered there, and also make it more comprehensive for a wider audience.

    I am unsure as to when the grades for the semester are due; If it isn’t tomorrow or Friday, then we can certainly spare some time right after the uniform finals.



    We’ve added in a simple RL circuit problem into the presentation, which starts right after the series circuit section.



    This is version 3.

    I cleaned things up in regards to the section on parallel circuits, as well as adding in a parallel RLC example.

    The parallel example was done in maple because of the enormous values we were getting.

    We will try to write one more version detailing mesh analysis, if time allows.



    This is the final version, which includes a cleaned-up explanation and example in regards to Mesh analysis.

    Also attached is some rudimentary Maple code.

    Thanks for looking over this, it’s been an enlightening project for us.

    Have a merry Christmas and New Years!

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