MAT1372 Statistics with Probability, FA2018

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  • Introduction
  • #50202


    Hi all, my name is Dahiana Castillo. After I got my associates from another school (QCC) in a different major, I transferred to New York City College of Technology. After checking out what the biomedical informatics major had to offer, I decided to become part of it. Moving on to my hobbies, I like to swim, paint (just the “I don’t know what I’m drawing, but I’m having fun” type of painting) and I like to learn. Riding a bicycle is also one of my favorite type of exercise. I’m a full time student and i work full time while also having a small(starter) business which is one of the main reasons why I’m taking MAT 1372 (also because is required). I would like to learn how statistics with probabilities work because it will help me with any type of business I will like to build up in the future as well as how it will help me in my major.

    Thank you for reading!.

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