MAT1372 Statistics with Probability, FA2018

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  • Introduction: Sheldon Fraser
  • #49903


    Hello, my name is Sheldon Fraser. I am currently a full time student at New York City College of Technology and my major is Electrical Engineering Technology. To tell you a little bit about myself I enjoy playing sports, reading, and traveling. During my free time I like to check out videos on new technical innovations because it often sparks my interest. Since I was younger I’ve always had a passion for electronics including game consoles, cellphones, and more. I chose Electrical engineering as my major because I like working with my hands and would love to learn all there is about electronics/electricity. Statistics with probability plays a role in my career path because it is a quite useful subject. It can help me analyze results over a period, or over a range of results for given parameter.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SheldonF.
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