MAT1275, Spring2020

active 1 year, 5 months ago
MAT1275, Spring2020
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2020
Course Description

College Algebra and Trigonometry course


This course was created by: Natan

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Tutoring schedules

I have posted two files with the schedules for tutoring for the Spring 2020 semester. PLEASE take advantage of these resources (in ADDITION to coming to me for office hours) if you are having ANY difficulty with the material. If you do […] See MoreTutoring schedules


Hello MAT1275 students! Welcome to our course's OpenLab page. Please use this discussion board to post and answer (if you can) any questions you may be having. I will be checking this discussion board on a regular basis and will respond […] See MoreIntroduction

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