Marv Blain’s ePortfolio

Marv Blain's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

Throughout my highschool years, I was a hardworking student who put large amounts of effort into the assignments and/or tasks at hand. Also, highly motivated to reach the benchmarks or goals that I have had set up for myself as my own personal achievement. Due to this high level of motivation to reach my goals, I was constantly improving in school especially when improvement was a necessity. Math and sciences were the subjects i didn’t have to put too much effort into; since it wasn’t too difficult for me it became like second nature.

Back in highschool, I was able to communicate with a number of people due to the fact that I had joined many clubs and volunteered at the school library. I made it comfortable for people to be in the vicinity of me, which helped me gain a large number of friends and acquaintances. When i struggled with anything I had many friends and teachers to look out for me and give me advice on overcoming those obstacles. With the help of everyone who was there for me, I got into to City Tech to pursue my career of most interest as a Culinary Chef. My dream is to travel to all over the world to learn a numerous amount of different cooking styles and cuisines.

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