Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

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  • OpenLab Assignments
  • #29591

    Harry Shapiro

    I several assignments that reference OpenLab. I encourage everyone to post similar snippets from their Syllabi.


    Harry Shapiro

    Week 11* Written Blog/OpenLab Group Assignment: In Week 11 (online) members of the class will work together to create: An Online Guide For HMGT 302 Students. See:

    In class (Week 10) you will be given time to organize this assignment.
    Students are responsible for designing, implementing and peer evaluating this project. Once the assignment is designed, written up and signed during Week 10, it can not be altered later. Minor alterations may be approved by the instructor in the case of exigent circumstances.

    Students who do not attend the Week 10 class (for any reason), relinquish the opportunity to influence the design and structure of the exercise including their own role and/or assigned tasks.

    The assignment is to be completed as designed by the students in this course. The assignments/roles as given must be fulfilled. A student who fails to attend Week 10 must be willing to accept the consensus of their classmate


    Harry Shapiro

    This assignment is not graded; an assessment can be given if requested. This assignment is designed to allow students who have invested in their research effort to transfer their domain expertise into a public forum where they can help create and build their personal brand.

    Become A Wikipedia Editor:
    Wikipedia is not a valid research source as we will discuss in class. Wikipedia does provide important information to the general public. As part of this course you are learning about critical and important trends in Hospitality Management. Your mastery of your research topic will help establish your credentials as a domain expert.

    Being recognized as a domain expert (or thought leader) is a component of developing your own personal brand and will help when you look for work, and when you are seeking to hire individuals to work with you. Editing Wikipedia entries or creating a new entry is one of many activities you can do to establish your expertise; adding references to Wikipedia helps support the Wikipedia mission.

    1. Register for Wikipedia.
    2. Complete the Wikipedia tutorial
    3. Complete the setup of your Wikipedia profile.
    4. While you are editing Wikipedia follow the community standards and guidelines and participate in discussions and respond promptly to members of the community.
    5. Complete step 6 or 7 (below) – submit links to the page or pages you edit/create – you are academically responsible if you plagiarize within the context of this assignment. Include the APA formatted citations for each of your referenced facts as part of your submission.
    6. Edit one or more existing entries using at least 8 citations from your research
    7. Create at least one new entry on Wikipedia providing a reference for each fact you assert and use a minimum of 5 facts per entry.
    8. Within blogging tools within Blackboard present the links you create for step 6 or 7.
    9. This assignment is due on Sunday at the end of week 14.
    10. For more information on the ePortfolio system follow this link:
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Harry Shapiro. Reason: Wikipedia, Wikipedia Editor, Editing Wikipedia
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Harry Shapiro.
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