Living Lab General Education Seminar

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  • Opportunity to Present at Bronx Conference on Tech and Pedagogy
  • #35573


    Dear All:

    I received the following information yesterday. Although the deadline is very close, the information pasted below may be of interest to you.



    Subject: Bronx Ed Tech Conference on May 6th @ Lehman College

    Good afternoon all! Would you kindly share the following announcement with your college faculty utilizing instructional technology.



    Good afternoon CUNY Faculty Community!

    We would like share some exciting news with you! The 2016 Bronx Ed Tech Showcase and Conference will be coming to Lehman College on Friday, May 6th. Registration for your proposals to present has been extended! We would like to have YOU present in this year’s conference. The theme of this year’s showcase is: READY OR NOT? STUDENT PREPAREDNESS INTO AND OUT OF OUR INSTITUTIONS. The Bronx Ed Tech Showcase is your opportunity to showcase to your colleagues at Lehman and other CUNY Colleges, how you are using technology to teach and share with everyone your success stories. If you have students who are doing interesting things with technology in your classes, please feel free to invite your students to be part of your presentation.

    We would like for you to consider presenting at the showcase this year. Each year, we have a wonderful turnout and we certainly hope that you will consider joining us as a presenter or participant. Our featured Keynote speaker is: Dr. Darcy Hardy, Associate Vice President , Enterprise Consulting at Blackboard. Dr. Hardy is a pioneer in Educational Technology and Online/Hybrid Education and is a compelling speaker! We will have vendors for you to meet and exchange ideas with too!

    Breakfast and lunch are provided to you! We are planning a social following the showcase giving you the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with your colleagues. And there will be a drawing for some really great technology oriented prizes too!. We will be giving away a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, JBL-Bluetooth Speaker System, Amazon Gift Cards and more too!!!

    To submit your proposal to present and/or register to attend, please visit the following link:

    Please SAVE THE DATE!!! Friday, May 6th 2016. Registration opens at 8:30am! We hope you can join us for the 2016 Bronx Ed Tech Showcase at Lehman College! Registration has been extended!!! Learn more by clicking our link:

    We are looking forward to hearing from you and hope that you join us!


    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by mvictoriasp. Reason: typo
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