Liv­ing Lab 2nd Year Fel­lows

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  • Tomorrow (4/17) "Blogging Inside and Outside the CUNY Classroom"
  • #12682

    Charlie Edwards

    Hi all,

    Hope you had a great break! Just wanted to let you know (apolo­gies for late no­tice) about the fol­low­ing event to­mor­row at the Grad Cen­ter – it should be great:

    Blog­ging In­side and Out­side the CUNY Class­room
    Tues­day, April 17th, 6-8 pm, room 5489 at the Grad­u­ate Cen­ter
    with Kevin Fer­gu­son (Di­rec­tor, Writ­ing at Queens, Queens Col­lege), Luke Waltzer (As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor for Ed­u­ca­tional Tech­nol­ogy, Bernard L. Schwartz Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­sti­tute, Baruch Col­lege)
    and Mikhail Ger­shovich (Di­rec­tor, Bernard L. Schwartz Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­sti­tute; Co­or­di­na­tor, Writ­ing Across the Cur­ricu­lum, Baruch Col­lege)

    These CUNY fac­ulty mem­bers will dis­cuss the blogs they use in their class­rooms and the cam­pus-wide blog­ging ini­tia­tives they have helped to de­sign: Blogs@​Baruch and QC Voices. We’ll con­clude the ses­sion with a brief dis­cus­sion of other dig­i­tal tools you may want to ex­plore in­side (or out­side) your class­room. Please come with your ideas and ques­tions about the use of blogs and other dig­i­tal media on your own CUNY cam­pus.

    Rsvps re­quested by Mon­day, 4/16: gc.​comphet@​gmail.​com. Re­fresh­ments will be pro­vided.


    Charlie Edwards

    Oops, for­got to fix the typo in the email ad­dress, it’s gc.​comprhet@​gmail.​com

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