Liv­ing Lab 2nd Year Fel­lows

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  • Spring/Winter Seminars 2012 by Foundation of Hudson River
  • #12577


    My cur­rent re­search focus is study­ing the species of the Hud­son River. In case any­one else is in­ter­ested, I am post­ing the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion. Hud­son River Foun­da­tion ac­tu­ally pro­vide these type of sem­i­nars through­out the year. For thr group pro­ject I am more in­ter­ested in Group 2. If any­one is in­ter­ested to make a trip in the River, I can join, of course if it is sup­ported by Open Lab. I am also open for other ideas …

    Hud­son River Foun­da­tion
    Win­ter/Spring Sem­i­nars 2012

    Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 14, 2012, 10:30 am
    Uti­liz­ing acoustic teleme­try, sur­vey and ge­netic data to de­velop a pop­u­la­tion re­cov­ery strat­egy for At­lantic stur­geon
    Michael Frisk, Stony Brook Uni­ver­sity

    Sem­i­nar will be held at:
    The Hud­son River Foun­da­tion
    17 Bat­tery Place, Suite 915
    New York, NY 10004

    Sem­i­nar will also be si­mul­ta­ne­ously broad­cast via we­bi­nar.
    Ac­cess in­for­ma­tion will be sent sep­a­rately to reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants.

    Please call, at 212-483-7667, or e-mail, at info@​hudsonriver.​org, to RSVP
    and in­di­cate whether you wish to at­tend in-per­son or by we­bi­nar.

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