Liv­ing Lab 2nd Year Fel­lows

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  • NYU this Friday (3/9): Networked New York conference: material, literary, and digital connections
  • #12638

    Charlie Edwards

    With apolo­gies for cross-post­ing, thought some of you might be in­ter­ested in this:

    Net­worked New York: A con­fer­ence on ma­te­r­ial, lit­er­ary, and dig­i­tal con­nec­tions in the city
    Fri­day, March 9 / 19 Uni­ver­sity Place, Great Room

    10:00 – 11:15
    Panel 1: In­sti­tu­tion and En­ter­prise
    Mod­er­a­tor: Thomas Augst

    Joey Mc­Gar­vey (New York Uni­ver­sity – Eng­lish), “‘The Good, the Great, and the Gifted’: An In­tro­duc­tion to the New York Fruit Fes­ti­val”

    Reed Gochberg (Boston Uni­ver­sity – Eng­lish), “Minia­tures and Mu­se­ums: Phil­an­thropy, Cul­tural In­sti­tu­tions, and Edith Whar­ton’s Tableau Vi­vant”

    Kris­ten Doyle High­land (New York Uni­ver­sity – Eng­lish), “Find­ing New York City in the Book­store”

    11:15 –12:30
    Panel 2: Com­mu­nity, Pro­duc­tion, and Place
    Mod­er­a­tor: Lisa Gitel­man

    Ce­cily Swan­son (Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity – Eng­lish), “‘Per­sonal-Ex­pe­ri­ences-Per­son­ally-Ex­pe­ri­enced’: Gur­d­ji­eff and the Harlem Re­nais­sance”

    Micki McGee (Ford­ham Uni­ver­sity – So­ci­ol­ogy), “The Yaddo Archive Pro­ject”

    Ed­ward Whit­ley (Lehigh Uni­ver­sity – Eng­lish), “Dig­i­tal So­cial Net­works and New York’s First Bo­hemi­ans”

    1:30 – 2:45
    Panel 3: Au­thors and Neigh­bor­hoods
    Mod­er­a­tor: Lenora War­ren

    Karen Kar­bi­ener (New York Uni­ver­sity – Global Lib­eral Stud­ies), “The Liv­ing Archive of Walt Whit­man’s New York”

    Mark Suss­man (City Uni­ver­sity of New York – Eng­lish), “Ten­e­ment Aes­thet­ics: How­ells, the Poor, and the Pic­turesque”

    Josh Glick (Yale Uni­ver­sity – Film Stud­ies and Amer­i­can Stud­ies), “Mem­ory at the Mar­gins: Jew­ish Amer­i­can Fic­tion and the Lived Land­scape of Coney Is­land”

    3:00 – 4:00
    Keynote: Mar­vin Tay­lor (Di­rec­tor, Fales Li­brary & Spe­cial Col­lec­tions), “Play­ing the Field: Thoughts about So­cial Net­works and the New York Down­town Arts Scene”

    4:00 – 5:30
    Panel 4: Blogscapes and Dig­i­tal In­ter­ac­tion
    Mod­er­a­tor: Bryan Wa­ter­man

    The Bow­ery Boys: New York City His­tory (http://​the​bowe​rybo​ys.​blogspot.​com/)

    You Rach You Lose (http://​rac​helf​ersh​leis​er.​com/)

    Maud New­ton (http://​maudnewton.​com/​blog/)

    Walk­ing Off the Big Apple (http://​www.​wal​king​offt​hebi​gapp​le.​com/)

    5:30 – 6:30

    Spon­sored by the Pro­ject on New York Writ­ing, the Col­lo­quium in Amer­i­can Lit­er­a­ture and Cul­ture, and the Work­shop in Archival Prac­tice at New York Uni­ver­sity


    This event is free and open to the pub­lic.

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