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- - Fall Course Draft Assignment – Comment on Other Faculty’s..
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On Friday 3/2/12 we worked in groups and planned changes to our Fall syllabus to include one or more High Impact Practices to increase student engagement and help them learn skills for life not just rote learning one topic in the classroom .
At least that is how I see this – My group consisted of very talented Faculty in Architecture, Biology and Damon, a talented faculty member, who works in Theater Entertainment Dept.( I believe) but his students seem to have to know drawing, engineering and even something about machines.
I also learned his students work with Second Life and I’d like to create a virtual community for my nursing students to practice cultural and other aspects of nursing that is often difficult in a clinical setting. ( so, Damon- you will be hearing from me, again and again…)
In short, this was productive from so may perspectives- I am amazed at all the skills that students need to know – some are so different but the collaborative skills and groups learning translate from discipline to discipline.
Damon will change his project fro an individual working prototype of something that works to the class voting on the 3 or 4 best projects and taking them from concept to completion. They will make a video for their portfolios. They students will have to use group work- discussion- planning and conflict resolution. To get this project to work.
Barbara in architecture wants to add high impact practices weekly and then add a group project using our iconic Brooklyn Bridge.
I was glad to learn that our Microbiology department will be helping to prepare our nursing students to work collaboratively in a group with assigned roles and where they will have to really think about how they performed in the group no just learn to identify the microbe. I am also happy they will be going out and learning about the community they will be serving.
So, I am getting ready to re- work/ refine my assignment for Fall 2012 and I am excited to be a part of this group- It is so energizing to hear all of the projects others are thinking of. I wish I could take all these classes.
The faculty fellows program makes me happy to be included in this talented and interesting group.
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