LIB 2205ID – D958 Learning Places: Understanding the City – Interdisciplinary

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  • Staying on track...
  • #39511

    Christopher Swift

    Dear students,
    Good work last Friday. We’re happy to see research on your projects getting under way. A couple of reminders and an assignment for Friday Oct. 21:

    – Please make an appointment with Prof. Swift or Chin to discuss your projects. You should try to bring at least 2 people from your group to a meeting w/ the professors. We have another week without class, so use this opportunity to better understand the scope and form of your projects.

    – If you haven’t opened an account with Map Warper, do so this week:

    – Complete reading by the 21st (B. Tschumi)

    – As a group, submit an initial Annotated Bibliography to OpenLab. The Bibliography should contain a minimum of 3 citations of books, articles, periodicals, and/or archival materials that help you answer your research question. You can use the materials you found last class and add others. Put your citation in MLA format (remember our citation lesson from Friday. Our NYCCT library site has a number of citation tools for you to use.) After each citation, write two sentences. The first summarizing the main topic of the article or book. The second sentence explaining HOW the article or book helps you answer your research question. This is the first draft of the Annotated Bibliography assignment.

    You can find the template (and further instructions) for the Annotated Bibliography here: (Assignments section on OpenLab site).


    Prof. Swift

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