LIB 2205ID – D958 Learning Places: Understanding the City – Interdisciplinary

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  • Reading for Friday, September 9
  • #38634

    Christopher Swift

    Dear students,

    A reminder that you need to read one of the chapters from Taylor (Inventing Times Square) before class on Friday. The PDF of the readings is in our OpenLab site. DO NOT READ ALL THE CHAPTERS. Choose only ONE of the following chapters to read:

    Developing for Commercial Culture
    Introductory Essay (Knapp)
    Vaudeville and the Transformation of Popular Culture
    The Entertainment District at the End of 1930
    Private Parts in Public Places

    I will collect in class a brief outline of the chapter you read. The outline should include:
    Your name
    Title of chapter
    Pages of chapter
    A list of significant main points in complete sentences — at least 10 per article

    I will be asking students to discuss the readings in class. The outline will count as Reading Response #1 from the syllabus. In other words, it is graded.

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