LIB 1201: Research and Documentation for the Information Age

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  • homework one
  • #12772


    While reading Research strategies by William Badke it has taught me about the foundation of information and the uses. In chapter one Badke discusses how throughout history information must be expressed and taught for future generation. He talked about how even a simple thing like what plants are edible could help future generation be more secure on what they could eat. Badke also disgust the transformation of the way information is processed, from simply preaching to the printing press to now the www. In chapter eight Badke explains of the pros and cons of the www and how to use it properly. He let’s us know what should be use in a research paper and how to obtain it while giving us ways to use it. Badke also explains the danger of plagiarism and how easy it is to do it and catch it with modern technology.

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