Law1103 Civil Law & Procedure Spring 2020

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  • Vocabulary
  • #57154

    Robert M Greenawalt

    As we go through the readings, I expect that many of you will come across words or phrases that are either entirely unfamiliar or unfamiliar as used in their legal setting. (Hence the strong suggestion that you have access to a dictionary). Here are some Vocabulary words that I noticed in Chapter 1. Please feel free to add others that I did not include. And Yes…. some or all of these words could appear on a quiz or test.

    Chapter 1
    res judicata
    stare decisis

    Common Law
    civil actions
    criminal actions
    standard of proof
    preponderance of the evidence
    beyond a reasonable doubt


    Hector Marrero

    I have found a few also.

    Chapter 3:
    Ab Initio


    Jillian Bevens

    I have a list of vocabulary words here as well. Some of these were reviewed in class.

    Chapter 3:
    Ab Initio- from the beginning

    Et Al- and others

    Res- the thing in question

    In Rem- when the thing in question is under the jurisdictional control of a court

    Quasi in Rem- legal action based on property rights of a person absent from the jurisdiction.

    Chapter 4:
    Ad Litem- appointed to act in a lawsuit on behalf of a child or other person who is not considered capable of representing themselves.

    Sua Sponte- when a court takes issue with its own motion without the prompting or suggestions of either party.


    Esther Khanutina

    Some words that stood out to me in chapter 3:

    Jurisdiction: the official power to make legal decisions and judgements

    Domicile: country or place where a person has his or her fixed or legal address, or permanent residence, and to which he or she intends to return if currently residing elsewhere.

    Statute: a written law passed by a legislative body

    Personam jurisdiction: Personam translates to “personal”. It means when the authority of the court compels a party to comply with the court’s mandate or determination.

    Res: thing

    Rem Jurisdiction: when the actual “thing” in dispute is within the jurisdiction of the court. The court may determine the rights of the party in regard to the res.

    Quasi in Rem jurisdiction: when property owned by the defendant, who cannot be served, is within the state.


    Jillian Bevens

    I found two for chapter 6. They’re not difficult to figure out, but a reminder might be helpful.

    Computation- the act of computing, numbering, reckoning or estimating; the account or estimation of time by rule of law.

    Accrual- the accumulation or increase of something over time.

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