Law and Paralegal Club

active 2 years, 5 months ago
Law and Paralegal Club
This Club is OPEN.
School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Professional Studies
Law and Paralegal Studies
Club Description

It is the mission of the Law and Paralegal Studies (LPS) Club at New York City
College of Technology to promote the paralegal and legal profession by increasing
awareness and understanding of the legal environment. The Club welcomes all Law
and Paralegal Studies majors as well as those who are not currently enrolled in the
major. The Club provides opportunities to interact with each other and legal
professionals to enhance networking opportunities and knowledge of the legal field.
The LPS Club sponsors/participates in a variety of events related to scholastic,
personal, and professional development. Activities include graduate law school and
job fairs, panel discussions and trips to appellate and supreme courts.


This club was created by: Prof. Espinoza

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