Law 1202, Real EsÂtate Law, Schechter, Spring 2018

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This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of various areas affecting Real Estate Law, including: Residential and Commercial transactions, Landlord/Tenant dealings, Regulatory and Zoning matters, Contracts of Sale, Deeds, Mortgages, Title and Recording issues, Ethical considerations, and all facets of the deal from Contract through Closing.
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ComÂment on "Les Payne: SteerÂing miÂnoriÂties away from âwhiteâ neighÂborÂhoods"
SteerÂing is a euÂphemistic and inÂherÂently disÂhonÂest word in this conÂtext. Racism in housÂing has [âŠ] See MoreComment on "Les Payne: Steering minorities away from âwhiteâ neighborhoods"
ComÂment on "Trump Con Law PodÂcast"
What I find proÂfoundly disÂturbÂing about our GovÂernÂment now is how vulÂnerÂaÂble we ALL seem to be [âŠ] See MoreComment on "Trump Con Law Podcast"
ComÂment on "AtÂtorÂney steals clientâs money and faces time in prison"
The good that you do you do to yourÂself and the bad you do you do to yourÂself. InÂtegrity and [âŠ] See MoreComment on "Attorney steals clientâs money and faces time in prison"
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