Kyanah Greaves’s ePortfolio

Kyanah Greaves's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

For Graphic Priniciples

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What I Have Learned In Class This Semester ?

In class this semester, I have learned many things I have not know before. I learned the basic […] See MoreWhat I Have Learned In Class This Semester ?

Extra Credit Assignment (OpenLab Workshop)

After the lesson on Openlab, I learned how to change the theme of my site. I also learned how to […] See MoreExtra Credit Assignment (OpenLab Workshop)

Assignment #5 (Project #1)

After project # 1, I learned that you must occupy as much space as possible. I also learned […] See MoreAssignment #5 (Project #1)

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