Kristina Paul’s ePortfolio

Kristina Paul's ePortfolio
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Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Welcome! My name is Kristina and I am currently attending City Tech studying to become an animator.Ever since I was young I had an interest in art. I always did try drawing even though it was not the best thing in theworld. I did not really get into drawing heavily until I was in middle school when I was in art after school. It really did teach me a lot and got me started to draw a lot more. Once I got into high school, I did not really have a chance to take any art classes, but I did draw a lot on my free time. I started to draw digitally with a drawing tablet and worked my way up from there. However, my senior year of high school I sort of gave up on drawing and I am starting to get back into it again.What inspires me the most in the art world is animation and music. I look at Disney movies and various cartoons and can just be so amazing when time and effort is put into them. I see how the progress of the animations and it inspires me on all the work put into it and how passionate all the workers are about their project. At my time here at City Tech I am hoping I can put all my effort into learning new things to help me improve with design and help me achieve my goal of working on my own projects.