Kiara Camacho’s ePortfolio

Kiara Camacho's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

After graduating Brooklyn high school of the arts at 17 years old, and coming into New York City of Technology, I did have some goals in mind that I would like to bring in order to excel and achieve my goal in receiving my Hospitality Management Degree. The goals that I have in mind are building my communication skills, perfect my writing ability, and taking positive risks. The strengths that I bring are being well organized, managing my time properly, and my ability to adapt with new activities. Growing up in a large family household, I’ve learned what it is to be a team player by sharing my own thoughts, and ideas. My personal attribute is self motivation, I believe that if I want something, I have to go get it myself, and would do any thing I can to help achieve my goals.

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