Karmen Wu’s ePortfolio

Karmen Wu's ePortfolio
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Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

Hey, my name is Karmen Wu. I was born and raised in Queens. It is my first year majoring in Hospitality at NYCCT. I chose this major because I am fascinated by the field of hospitality. I’m not sure what particular field of hospitality I’m interested in, however, I’m looking forward to gaining experience in this field. I hope to know what field interests me the most at the end of the academic year; working in the hotel or in the food industry I am excited to learn it all. My personal strengths are that I’m hardworking, thoughtful, flexible, adventurous etc. By being a dedicated hard worker I know I can do the best at my future job. I believe with my adventurous side I can adapt to new surroundings if my job needs me to relocate.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Karmen Wu

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