karen carrasco’s ePortfolio

karen carrasco’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Hello my name is Karen

1. write out your design goal, why are you taking the class?
– My design goal would be to appreciate what I do and be more creative. Im taking this class to know the principles of design and to help open new windows when it comes to art.

2. what type of work inspires you? what else inspires you?
-Silhouette art would have to be my favorite. The idea of representing a person or an object as a solid shape in black inspires me.

3. what is your preferred design process – how do you like to work? (i.e. coding, on the computer, with a marker, pencil, in small notebooks, murals, collages, planned out, spontaneous, etc.)
– I don’t have any experience with putting my art into a computer. I stick to my favorite type of medium, markers.

4. what types of projects would you be interested in collaborating on?
– Im open to collaborating with any kind of projects that come my way. Its all about trying new things.